Because Childhood Lasts a Lifetime.

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Talking About Racism in Child and Family Advocacy 

In a truly just society, no child lives, learns, or plays in environments that expose them repeatedly to things we know are harmful. Our commitment to children therefore involves a commitment to ending racism and its harmful effects, so that all children, regardless of race or ethnicity, have a full and just opportunity to reach their full potential.

This research helps us to pinpoint and predict the specific challenges we may face when leading public conversations about racism and its effects on child wellbeing.

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Paid Family Leave: An Upstream Intervention to Prevent Family Violence 

Paid family leave (PFL) programs provide income-replacement during particularly stressful family events, such as the birth of a child. In this commentary, we describe the conceptual links between PFL, child maltreatment, and IPV, suggesting that PFL may be a promising strategy for the primary prevention of child maltreatment and IPV.

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