Because Childhood Lasts a Lifetime.

State Chapter Network

Prevention happens in partnership—and our primary partners in child abuse and neglect prevention are the valued members of our nationwide state chapter network, who extend our important work in communities throughout the country.

The Prevent Child Abuse America (PCA America) nationwide state chapter network has been around since 1976, when our very first chapter opened in Kansas. Since then, we’ve grown considerably —with plans underway to have a presence in all 50 states soon. Chapters range from independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations to agencies that operate under umbrella organizations, such as government departments, hospitals, and universities.

Chapters contribute invaluably to our comprehensive prevention efforts, providing state-level expertise and resources and ultimately amplifying our work widely in communities nationwide. They work in tandem with a wide array of community partners to deliver valuable day-to-day prevention work, including the formulation of innovative strategies to address issues such as child sexual abuse, raising awareness for the prevention of child abuse and neglect, and advocating with state and local governments to ensure that there is funding available for programs designed to benefit children and families. Use the map below to find the PCA America state chapter nearest you:

How Our State Chapters Work

The Prevent Child Abuse America state chapter network employs a wide range of innovative strategies, on numerous fronts, to lead nationwide efforts that help prevent child abuse and neglect before it happens.

Chapters support advocacy, coalition building, and engage with policymakers and elected representatives at the local and state levels.

Chapters provide leadership in promoting and delivering effective prevention programs, such as Connections Matter and Circle of Parents. They also help facilitate community-level networking and learning opportunities.

Chapters raise public awareness and engagement, localizing national campaigns, such as National Child Abuse Prevention Month (April) and Pinwheels for Prevention®, and maintaining a consistent brand identity and messaging across the nation.

Chapter affinity groups publish and disseminate valuable research on child abuse and neglect prevention topics such as adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and paid family leave.

Some state chapters also administer Healthy Families America, our signature evidenced-based home visiting program.

Resources From Our State Chapter Network

  • Taking ACES Upstream: Strengthening Prevention of Adverse Childhood Experiences  

    This report addresses the continued findings and research from the Adverse Childhood Experience (ACES) Study, which has identified robust associations between a child experiencing early trauma and a wide array of poor health, economic, and life outcomes.

    Affinity Group Reports

  • Paid Family Medical & Sick Leave Toolkit  

    This toolkit is a product of the Prevent Child Abuse (PCA America) Chapter Network Policy Affinity Group’s work across the policy area of paid family leave as a strategy in the prevention of child abuse and neglect.

    Affinity Group Reports

Our State Chapter Network Team

Anita Odom

National Director of State Chapters

Kristen Lawrence

Chapter Network Coordinator

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