The Villages of Indiana Board of Directors Announces New CEO and President

The Villages of Indiana board of directors announces Shannon Schumacher, MSW, LCAC, LSW, has been selected to become the next CEO and president. She assumes the top job from President and CEO Sharon Pierce, who retires after nearly 30 years of tenure.

Schumacher joins The Villages team April 19 with over 20 years of experience working in the non-profit, human services field. The last 18 years she has worked for Volunteers of America Ohio & Indiana. “Shannon’s many career achievements positively impacting mothers and their children tell a story of a forward-thinking leader with real-world experience guiding, building and innovating to support people toward finding stability,” says Rhonda Breman, The Villages board member who led the committee search. “We’re excited to watch her build on the foundation created by our retiring CEO and President Sharon Pierce.”

Click here to read the full press release.