Danita Roberts is a Training and TA Specialist with Healthy Families America. Prior to this she served as the Program Manager/ Supervisor for a Healthy Families Program in Providence, RI and was also an HFA Peer Reviewer and member of the HFA REaCH Committee. Danita graduated from Wheelock College with a degree in Human Development and a concentration in Child Life. Originally she thought that she wanted to work to promote development and attachment within a hospital setting, however, after taking a job in Early Intervention, she realized that seeing people in their homes was an opportunity to understand and support them more holistically. And when she found HFA a little later, realized that a program specifically designed to promote attachment and bonding through the fostering of relationships was what she had been looking for this whole time.
Still located in Providence, RI, Danita lives with her husband, her daughter, and her twin boys. She continues to work to support the home visiting workforce in RI by serving as the Board President for RI’s Infant Mental Health Association.