Training & TA Specialist Christa Austin has been with Healthy Families America since February 2019, coming to work with the national team after serving as a HFA FFS National Trainer and Peer Reviewer for over five years. Her past roles consists of providing technical assistance to Parents As Teachers, and Nurse Family Partnership evidence based models. Christa has 23 years of experience in working in the early childhood home visiting and center based arena. Her varied career includes management and supervision of multi-site Early Head Start and Head Start home visiting and center base services, family case management, substance abuse, program monitoring, parent group development, Infant Mental Health, organizing and facilitating workshops and training. Christa is a current board member of the Illinois Association of Infant Mental Health and received her Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Credentials through the association. She received her Bachelors of Social Work and Masters of Public Administration from the University of Illinois Springfield.
Christa is happily married to a wonderful husband of 24 years and they have six adult children. She currently resides in Springfield, IL, and dreams of moving to a beach house, where she can watch the sun rise and set off the blue clear waters. Christa is an avid sports fan of basketball and football.