Prevent Child Abuse New Jersey Board of Directors Announces Retirement of Executive Director, Rush L. Russell
With deep gratitude for his leadership and vision, the board of directors of Prevent Child Abuse New Jersey (PCA New Jersey) announced that the nonprofit organization’s executive director, Rush L. Russell (pictured below), will retire on April 2, 2021. Mr. Russell’s decision to retire will bring to a close a remarkable 12 years of service to PCA New Jersey.
Board president Robert Rotondi stated, “Children and families from New Jersey and throughout the country have benefited from Rush’s expertise, leadership and determination to support effective strategies to prevent all forms of child maltreatment. The PCA New Jersey board, staff and our many partners feel privileged to have worked with Rush and are enormously grateful to him for his myriad contributions.” The board also recognized Russell for his successful efforts to build a stronger financial foundation that will sustain the agency’s mission into the future.