Dr. Melissa Merrick Joins National Expert Advisory Committee

PCA America CEO, Dr. Melissa Merrick has been selected to speak at the kickoff event for Pathways to Resilience’s Expert Advisory Committee. This new initiative is a national forum to help states and communities advance trauma-responsive policies and programs across sectors. 

Our collective experience with COVID-19 has helped normalize conversations about mental health that have historically been stigmatized, downplayed, and even denied in our families, schools, communities, and workplaces. This shared adversity has created an opportunity for more candid conversations and broader collaboration

The committee is a cross-sector learning network that will provide a forum for information sharing, highlighting best practices and exploring different approaches to preventing and addressing trauma. The first Pathways Learning Network session for state leaders and staff is scheduled for June 7 at 2pm CT. It will be an opportunity to learn more about the initiative and will feature three national leaders in the area of trauma prevention and healing.

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