Melissa T. Merrick, PhD, is President and CEO of Prevent Child Abuse America (PCA America), the nation’s oldest and largest nonprofit organization dedicated to the primary prevention of child abuse and neglect.
At Prevent Child Abuse America, we work hard to realize our vision of a world where all children grow up happy, healthy, and prepared to succeed in supportive families and communities.
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Home>News>The Centers for Disease Control Joins Thriving Families, Safer Children to promote the health and well-being of families
The Centers for Disease Control Joins Thriving Families, Safer Children to promote the health and well-being of families
Prevent Child Abuse America is excited to announce that the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (Injury Center) at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has joined the Thriving Families, Safer Children effort. Thriving Families, Safer Children is a first-of-its-kind national partnership that works across public, private and philanthropic sectors to promote the health, well-being and economic stability of families to help strengthen communities and end the harmful practice of family separation.
The CDC joins the four national partners, the U.S. Children’s Bureau, Casey Family Programs, the Annie E. Casey Foundation, and Prevent Child Abuse America® who are working in partnership with young people and families who have experienced the child welfare system, to find a way to rethink child welfare by creating the conditions for strong, thriving families where children are free from harm.
The CDC’s involvement will provide Thriving Families, Safer Children with the expertise and resources to further our work. For 30 years, CDC’s Injury Center has worked to prevent injury, violence and their related impacts. To achieve the promotion of safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments where all families can thrive, the Injury Center prioritizes preventing adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) through evidence-based strategies, as well as prioritizing the prevention of suicide and overdose. As a result, they have many shareable resources and tools that can help Thriving Families, Safer Children sites implement strategies to prevent ACEs and support healthy childhoods for all children. They will also connect Thriving Families, Safer Children sites with other National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC) partners and grantees in their localities who are doing ACEs prevention work.