Contact Your Elected Officials Today and Urge Them to Maintain CAPTA Funding Levels
Originally enacted in 1974, the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) is the only federal program exclusively dedicated to the prevention, assessment, identification, and treatment of child abuse and neglect. It is also the only legislation that addresses universal primary prevention capacity-building at a local level and supports services essential to healthy and thriving communities in every state.
Currently, CAPTA is funded at less than half of its authorized level. Please join us in advocating for Congress to maintain the House-approved funding levels for CAPTA in the FY 2020 Labor-HHS-Education appropriations bill, which may be finalized as soon as December 20. Specifically, the House took a bold step by increasing CAPTA funding in Title I to $90 million per year and increasing Title II (CBCAP) funding to $75 million, but the Senate appropriations bill would keep funding levels flat. The expansive mission and directives in CAPTA are severely underfunded and have led to uneven implementation and protections for children—now is the time to increase funding for this important program.
Here’s what you can do:
- Use the links below to find your representatives’ email and phone contact information:
- OR call the congressional switchboard at 202-224-3121, and ask to be connected with your representative. (NOTE: You can only be connected with one office at a time, so call back to speak with each one of your representatives.)
- When you reach your senator’s receptionist, identify yourself as a constituent—clearly stating your name and the town or city and state where you live—and ask to speak to him/her directly. You may be transferred to a legislative assistant/aide, or you may be asked to leave a voice message or send an email, which is fine, but ask to be connected directly to your senator if possible. Be persistent but polite.
What to say:
- My name is [name] and I work at [organization] in [city/state]. I’m calling about a program that is critical to protecting children—the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act. I urge Senator/Representative [Senator/Rep’s name] to increase funding for this important program.
- Please support the House-approved funding levels for CAPTA. The House of Representatives took a bold step to increase funding for this important law—to $90 million for CAPTA state grants and $75 million for CBCAP. It is important that this funding be maintained in the final appropriations bill currently being negotiated by the House and Senate.
- CAPTA is critical to our child protection system and strengthening vulnerable families and children. More funding is needed provide the resources states need to help develop, implement, and evaluate strategies that prevent child maltreatment, reduce entry into the public child welfare system, and enhance the overall well-being of children and families.
- Thank you.