Prevent Child Abuse West Virginia

TEAM for West Virginia Children envisions West Virginia as a state where all children can grow and thrive in safe, stable, nurturing relationship, free from abuse and neglect, so they will achieve their maximum potential as adults. Our mission is to work with communities and families to promote and advance the well-being of children, making their needs and healthy development a priority.

Key Issue Areas

Co-lead in Abuse Head Trauma (AHT) prevention efforts with the program Period of Purple Crying.

Participate in Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) prevention efforts with the programs Connections Matter, Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences (HOPE), Positive Childhood Experiences (PCEs), and State Coalition on ACEs.

Lead in Neglect prevention efforts with the program Strengthening Families Program.

Co-lead in Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) prevention efforts with the program Stewards of Children (Darkness to Light).

Utilizing the Protective Factors Framework through ACEs, Advocacy, Home Visiting, and Training.

Implementing the Essentials for Childhood Framework strategies: Raise Awareness & Commitment, Use Data to Inform Solutions, Norms Change and Programs, and Policy/Advocacy.

The chapter works with the following evidence-based home visiting models: Early Head Start (Home Visiting), Family Resource Centers (FRCs), Healthy Families America (HFA), Parents as Teachers (PAT), and Triple P and participates in the statewide home visiting coalition.

Advocacy efforts include

  • Expanded access and affordability of child care
  • Opposition to cuts to economic supports for families
  • Protect and preserve funding for family support programs, home visiting, etc.

Fast Facts

4.5 total FTEs

CBCAP Grantee

The chapter partners with businesses/corporations, faith-based organizations, foundations, Kappa Delta, Kids Count, schools, and United Way.

Key Contact

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