To create a future for children and families filled with promise and prosperity

Key Issue Areas

Co-lead in Abuse Head Trauma (AHT) prevention efforts with the program Dias Model.

Participate in Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) prevention efforts with the programs ACE Interface and State Coalition on ACEs.

Co-lead in Neglect prevention efforts with the program Strengthening Families Program.

Co-lead in Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) prevention efforts with the program Stewards of Children (Darkness to Light).

Utilizing the Protective Factors Framework through ACEs, Advocacy, Home Visiting, and Training.

The chapter works with the following evidence-based home visiting models: Healthy Families America (HFA) and Nurse Family Partnership (NFP) and participates in the statewide home visiting coalition.

Advocacy efforts include

  • Improving systems for access to EBHV
  • high quality childcare
  • reducing the financial burden on parents

Fast Facts

71 total FTEs

CBCAP Grantee

The chapter partners with businesses/corporations, faith-based organizations, foundations, Kappa Delta, Kids Count, schools, United Way, and Voices for Children.

Key Contact

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