To prevent child abuse in all its forms.

Key Issue Areas

Lead in Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) prevention efforts with the program State Coalition on ACEs.

Co-lead in Neglect prevention efforts.

Lead in Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) prevention efforts with the program Enough Abuse.

Co-lead in Corporal Punishment (CP) prevention efforts with the programs No Hit Zones and Corporal Punishment Ban in Schools.

Utilizing the Protective Factors Framework through ACEs, Advocacy, Home Visiting, and Training.

The chapter works with the following evidence-based home visiting models: Early Head Start (Home Visiting), Family Connect, Family Resource Centers (FRCs), Healthy Families America (HFA), Nurse Family Partnership (NFP), Parents as Teachers (PAT), and Triple P and participates in the statewide home visiting coalition.

Advocacy efforts include

  • Eviction - Right to Council
  • Paid Medial Leave
  • Universal Home Visiting

Fast Facts

18.8 total FTEs

The chapter partners with businesses/corporations, faith-based organizations, foundations, Kids Count, Law Enforcement, schools, United Way, and Voices for Children.

Key Contact

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