Our mission is to maximize the potential of Nebraska’s children, youth, and families through collaboration and community-centered impact.

Key Issue Areas

Participate in Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) prevention efforts.

Lead in Neglect prevention efforts.

Participate in Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) prevention efforts.

Utilizing the Protective Factors Framework through Advocacy, Evaluation, and Training.

Implementing the Essentials for Childhood Framework strategies: Use Data to Inform Solutions and Norms Change and Programs.

The chapter works with the following evidence-based home visiting models: Early Head Start (Home Visiting), Healthy Families America (HFA), and Parents as Teachers (PAT) and participates in the statewide home visiting coalition.

Advocacy efforts include

  • Examining child abuse and neglect reporting systems
  • Eliminating fines and fees for juveniles
  • Establishing Community Schools

Fast Facts

125 total FTEs

CBCAP Grantee

The chapter partners with businesses/corporations, faith-based organizations, foundations, Law Enforcement, schools, and United Way.

Key Contact

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