Prevent Child Abuse Indiana

Our mission is to be the voice in Indiana for preventing child abuse in all its forms.

Key Issue Areas

Co-lead in Abuse Head Trauma (AHT) prevention efforts.

Co-lead in Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) prevention efforts with the programs ACE Interface and The Resilience Project.

Co-lead in Neglect prevention efforts.

Co-lead in Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) prevention efforts with the program Stewards of Children (Darkness to Light).

Participates in Corporal Punishment (CP) prevention efforts with the program Non-Violent Parent/Caregiver Training.

Utilizing the Protective Factors Framework through ACEs, Advocacy, and Training.

The chapter works with the following evidence-based home visiting models: Early Head Start (Home Visiting), Family Resource Centers (FRCs), and Healthy Families America (HFA) and participates in the statewide home visiting coalition.

Advocacy efforts include

  • Safe babies court team legislation
  • Human trafficking lodging training
  • Affordable childcare access/expansion

Fast Facts

7 total FTEs

The chapter partners with businesses/corporations, faith-based organizations, foundations, Kappa Delta, Kids Count, schools, and United Way.

Key Contact

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