Tools for Building Better Childhoods

A new, robust resource to help reframe childhood adversity 

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month. In recognition, we’re proud to have partnered with Social Current to develop and now roll out Building Better Childhoods: a set of new, easy-to-use resources to help organizations communicate about childhood adversity as a public, preventable, and solvable issue.

View the site and download the toolkit: 

These tools are grounded in recent research from the FrameWorks Institute and are intended to support practitioners and professionals at human services organizations communicate about childhood adversity. The new website provides important guidance on how to talk about child abuse prevention in a way that resonates with a broad range of audiences. And, the tools can be used when communicating with media, funders, policymakers, and the general public. 

The toolkit resources include:

  • Top-line recommendations 
  • Talking points 
  • Social media posts and graphics 
  • Infographics and posters 
  • Videos for social media and TV 
  • Examples of well-framed articles 
  • Media tips and templates  

More examples of messages and graphics: 

This Child Abuse Prevention Month and in the 50th anniversary of Prevent Child Abuse America—and beyond—it’s important we continue to support this movement to effectively frame childhood adversity and communicate about the benefits of prevention and upstream resources. 

Visit to use the toolkit and share with your networks. 



Lead author:

Jennifer Jones


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