Infographic: How Investing in Prevention is Good for Business

Are you familiar with Adverse Childhood Experiences? If so, then you know that experiencing ACEs can have lifelong effects, and that ACEs are experienced by people from all different walks of life. What you might not know is that costs from ACEs like child abuse and neglect are estimated to affect more than 1 million children per year, and will cost our country more than $80 billion annually in treatment, investigations and interventions (like CPS and foster care), chronic health problems and lost productivity.

Because of these high costs, the effects of ACEs are felt not just by government programs that serve children and families, but the business – both big and small – in communities across the nation. Fortunately, there are many ways for businesses to become a partner in prevention. The below infographic goes into more detail on the ways that businesses can help, and explains how investing in prevention is good for the bottom line.

How Investing in Prevention is Good for Business

aces investing in prevention

Interested in learning more? Here is another argument for how investing in prevention leads to a better climate for business, and more information on ACEs from one of the pioneering researchers into the subject.