Guidance on 2021 Pinwheels for Prevention® Gardens
PCA America understands, respects, and reinforces the global responsibility to adapt or cancel large in-person events and gatherings to protect participants and our communities at large. Much like child abuse and neglect prevention, mitigating the impact of COVID-19 requires all of us to play a role.
Given the current increase in COVID-19 infections and related deaths across the United States, and based on the CDC’s projections for continued high rates of the same in the coming months, PCA America strongly recommends that individuals and organizations do not host and/or attend large in-person Pinwheels for Prevention® events leading up to and during April, National Child Abuse Prevention Month.
PCA America’s national Pinwheels for Prevention® campaign will pivot online this year, to a dynamic virtual pinwheel garden . We actively encourage our partners to participate in this virtual pinwheel garden as an alternative to large in-person gatherings and events. Until we can plant pinwheels in person again, please join us in our virtual garden — where we’re #GrowingBetterTogether nationwide!
We will continue to assess the situation and issue updated guidance when this recommendation changes.
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, pinwheels are available for purchase year-round. Chapters can coordinate with the Halo representative Jean-Leisses for tailored distribution options.
No they are not as PCA America is bound by a legal contract with our vendor.
No. Our vendor doesn’t have the capacity or resources to accommodate this request.
Yes, if used in accordance with the CDC and your local guidelines.
PCA America is offering an online alternative: a dynamic virtual pinwheel garden.
No. We believe in what the pinwheel represents and urge partners and supporters to continue to reinforce that message–but refrain from large in-person events.
We encourage innovative and responsible ways to promote the Pinwheels for Prevention campaign, which is why PCA America is offering an online alternative.
Please refer to this PDF of events and activities that other chapters are orchestrating to help spark your creativity! If you have a great idea that you’d like to share, please fill out this survey.
More Resources on COVID-19 & Pinwheels for Prevention®
See more-
Coronavirus Tips & Resources for Parents, Children, Educators & Others
Listen as Dr. Merrick explains how PCA America has pivoted and adapted its programs to address the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on America’s children and families as well as tips on staying connected, active & engaged as a family, how to manage stress & anxiety, and other resources.
Toolkits & Guides
COVID-19 Resources
Review COVID-19 resources developed by Doris Duke Fellows and members of PCA America’s chapter network with an emphasis on information to help parents and caregivers, and programs and professionals.
Toolkits & Guides