PCA America’s Statement on Inflation Reduction Act and the missed opportunity to invest in support for children and families

The Inflation Reduction Act, Congress’s final budget reconciliation package, was signed into law by President Biden on August 16, 2022. This Act secures investments in clean energy to combat our climate crisis, reduces prescription drug costs, especially for seniors, and eases health care costs for those obtaining coverage under the Affordable Care Act — all very important things.

However, the Act fell significantly short in addressing critical issues facing our nation’s children and families. Many elements of the Act, including universal pre-K, child care, and expanded child tax credits, were eliminated from consideration during months of negotiations and as a result these items were omitted from the final bill. These investments would have bolstered a dwindling child care and early learning workforce, provided critical supports to families to be able to access affordable, high-quality child care, and helped to reduce financial stress to families through income assistance to cover bills and other costs to meet their basic needs. Research has consistently shown that federal income assistance programs such as the child tax credit are associated with lowering rates of child maltreatment reports.

Members of Congress must come together in support of legislation that provides critical economic support to families. The child tax credit, paid family and medical leave, childcare subsidies, and other policies that strengthen family incomes can lessen the stressors that overload families and can promote safe and stable family environments, while increasing access to resources and ultimately building more prosperous communities.

While these vital investments were excluded from the final Act, Prevent Child Abuse America will, together with our partners, continue to be a leading advocate for children and families and be a persistent voice in national conversations to promote and lift up policies and investments that families need that prioritize the primary prevention of abuse and neglect.

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