The Paper Tigers Project

paper tigers

Welcome to our Paper Tigers resource page, were you’ll find links to download and print the handouts you saw as samples while attending a screening of Paper Tigers sponsored by the Prevent Child Abuse America chapter in your state.

Paper Tigers depicts the dramatic transformation in troubled teens when the staff at their school incorporates the findings from the ACE Studies into their education and support services.

“There are doctors, researchers, teachers, nurses, social workers and law enforcement officers that are turning the tide against the cycle of trauma and abuse. A movement is rising, one that sees aberrant behavior in children as a symptom rather than a moral failing. This movement asks not what is wrong with our youth, but rather what has happened to them. The paradigm is shifting from punishment and blame to a deeper commitment to understanding and healing the underlying causes of aberrant behavior. With this shifting paradigm comes the promise of great improvements in many of the society’s costly ills: less crime, less illness, less teen pregnancy, abuse, rape, divorce.

Simply put, it is cheaper to heal than to punish. Paper Tigers takes a look at what is possible. ”



The Amazing Brain Series was developed by Linda Chamberlain and is owned by the Health Federation of Philadelphia. It has been reformatted for Prevent Child Abuse America with their permission. Hard copies of the Amazing Brain booklets may be purchased from the Health Federation of Philadelphia Mutiplying Connections Store.

Interested in seeing if you are able to host a screening of Paper Tigers? Look at the film’s FAQ page for answers.


State-specific Resources



